Make App Tracking and Data Reporting Easier With Apollo

Get an overall view of all your app metrics (cost & quality comparison of each channel) in one dashboard.
Customize data based on app-specific requirements.
Example: for a dating app, female ratio month-to-month is important to app growth.

API Integrations

Start your 30-Days Free Trial- Test drive our app with the full feature set including all API Integrations.
Professional App Tracking & Data Reporting- Monthly rate for our app with the full feature set including all API Integrations.
Marketing Platforms

Get a Demo Today!
Where do I find my API Keys?
You can go to settings and find a list of available platforms and fields to fill out API information. To learn where to get that info, you can refer to the appropriate platform’s documentation, or use AGN Guide to finding the APIs.
Can I download reports?
Currently you can only download reports by using the “Download plot as png” option on the top right menu of each visual, but we’re working on a solution to provide you with a complete pdf file of your reports.
How often are reports updated?
Reports are updated daily.
Can I register more than one app?
Within this version every app needs to be under a different email. In our upcoming Apollo version you will be able to choose between dashboards for any number of apps with only one email.
Does it work for mobile apps only?
No, while Appollo is mobile first and was designed to help apps get a better understanding of their marketing efforts, you can also connect any other allowed source to display it in our dashboard. If you think that a certain platform is not available but should be, send us a message to and we will look into implementing it.